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Bamburia (score)


Bamburia - Score

  • Bamburia
  • Bamburia
  • Bamburia
  • Bamburia
  • Bamburia
Bamburia is a composition by Wil Offermans for flute ensemble. The piece is based on the fascinating Spanish flamenco rhythm. From the introduction:
"A main element in Bamburia is the fascinating Spanish flamenco rhythm: the buleria. Basically, the buleria is a rhythm in 12-beats with the counting starting not on the 1st, but on the 11th beat. It is structured in a basic pattern with accents on the 12th, 3rd, 6th, 8th and 10th beat, like: 11-12-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10- etc. In Bamburia also a little more complex form is used: 11-12-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10- etc."


  • title: Bamburia
  • subtitle: for flute ensemble
  • composer: Wil Offermans
  • publisher: Zimmermann, Germany
  • number: ZM36030
  • year: 2011
  • instruments: 1 solo flute; 5 flutes; 1 bass flute (or C-flute)
  • duration: 7-8 minutes
  • language: introduction and explanation in German and English
  • score: 8 pages plus all part scores
  • notes:
    - In the central part, the flutists put their flute aside and perform the Spanish flamenco rhythm of 'buleria' by clapping the hands while one flutist performs the flute solo.
    - Bamburia can also be performed by 6 flutists (1 flutist also performs the flute solo); by 7 flutists as mentioned or by any larger size of flute ensemble by doubling the scores.
    - Bamburia has been recorded by Wil Offermans at the CD Luna y Sierra (CDE-131 / E-records).



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Schott MusicIf you prefer so, an E-Score PDF download version of this score is available at the webshop of publisher Schott Music (website in EN/DE/FR) here:

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